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Below, you will find information about this autumn's municipal and county council elections in Skaun municipality.

Do you want to see the candidate lists, and read more about the upcoming elections?

Read more about the municipal and county council elections here

Can you vote in Skaun?

If you are entitled to vote in Norway, you can vote in Skaun!

You have the right to vote if you are on the electoral register. To be included in the electoral register, you must be aged 18 or over at the end of 2023 and be either a Norwegian citizen, registered in the National Population Register as being resident in Norway during the last three years before the election day, or a citizen of another Nordic country and registered as being resident in Norway by no later than 30 June of the election year.

To vote for local and county councillors in Skaun, you must be on the electoral register in Skaun municipality. You must make sure you are registered if you have given notice that you have moved to the municipality by 30 June of the election year. Read more about the electoral register below.

During the early and advance voting periods, you can vote in Skaun even if you are on the electoral register of another municipality. During these periods, you can also cast your vote in other municipalities, but you will then not be able to make any changes to your ballot paper. By ‘changes’, we mean casting personal votes and crossing out candidates.

You can vote in both municipal and county council elections at the same time, at the same polling station.

Electoral register

In order to vote in this autumn's municipal and county council elections, you must be on the electoral register.

If you have moved to another municipality and notification of your change of address has not been received by the National Population Register by 30 June, you will still be on the electoral register in your previous municipality. You must then either vote in advance or turn up on election day in the municipality in which you were living on 30 June.

If you receive a polling card, this means that you are on the electoral register. The polling card will state the municipality in which you are registered, the constituency to which you belong, and the opening hours of the constituency. If you have not received your polling card by 10 August, you should contact the municipality to check that you are actually on the electoral register. 

Remember to download your polling card onto your phone, and feel free to take it with you when you go to vote.

If your name is not on the electoral register, or you believe there are other errors in the registers, you can complain. Your complaint must be justified and submitted in writing. Send your complaint to the municipal election board.

The Sami Parliament's electoral register is also available for inspection in the same place and during the same period. Complaints concerning the Sámi Parliament's electoral register must be sent to the Sami Parliament.

How to complain

Complaints about errors in the electoral register should be sent to

Skaun valgstyre
Postboks 74
7358 Børsa

The electoral register will be available for inspection at Skaun rådhus (the town hall) from 14 July. 


Skaun rådhus
Rådhusvegen 10
7353 Børsa

Opening hours: Mon-Fri 8am-3pm

Opening hours in July: Mon-Fri 9am-2pm

You can also contact us by phone on 72 86 72 00.

Early voting from 3 June to 9 August

From July 3 to August 9, you can cast your vote early. Early voting is primarily intended for anyone who is unable to vote either in advance between 10 August and 8 September, or on election day, which is 11 September. You can vote early in any municipality.

Advance voting from August 10 to September 8

During the advance voting period, you can cast your vote in the following places in Skaun municipality. You can cast an advance vote in any municipality.

Skaun rådhus

  • All weekdays between 8am and 3pm from 10 August to 8 September inclusive
  • Saturday, 2 September 10am - 2pm 
  • During week 36 (the week commencing 4 September), there are extended opening hours until 7pm on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday

Visiting address:

Rådhusvegen 10
7353 Børsa

Skaun folkebibliotek

You can vote in advance at Skaun folkebibliotek in Børsa between 1 September and 8 September.

Opening hours

  • Monday: 10am-4pm
  • Tuesday: 10am-7pm
  • Wednesday: 10am-4pm
  • Thursday: 10am-7pm
  • Friday: 10am-4pm
  • Saturday: 10am-2pm
  • Sunday: Closed

Visiting address

Rossmovegen 6
7353 Børsa


Voters who are resident in an institution can vote in advance here:

  • Rossvollheimen Helse- og omsorgssenter
  • Vennatunet
  • Tangentunet

Election day 11 September

On election day, 11 September, polling stations will be open from 9am to 9pm.

You must vote at the polling station listed on your polling card. If you are unable to reach the polling station on election day, you can choose to either vote in advance or cast an early vote.

In Skaun, we have the following polling stations

Buvik constituency
Skaunhallen, Ørabakken 15, 7350 Buvika.

Venn constituency
Venn oppvekstsenter, Melbyvegen 8, 7357 Skaun.

Jåren-Råbygda constituency
Råbygda oppvekstsenter, Melbyvegen 845, 7357 Skaun.

Viggja constituency
Viggja oppvekstsenter, Viggjahåggån 8, 7354 Viggja.

Børsa constituency
Børshallen, Rossmovegen 2, 7353 Børsa.

Voting from home

If you are unable to get to a polling station or advance voting station due to illness or disability, you can apply to vote from home or wherever you are staying. It is not necessary to apply if you are resident at an institution where advance voting is arranged.

In your request, you must state your full name, date and year of birth, as well as the address you will be staying at during the week leading up to election. You will also need to provide a phone number via which we can contact you. 

Send your application to

Valgstyret i Skaun
Postboks 74
7353 Børsa

or by email to postmottak@skaun.kommune.no

The deadline for voting from home is 6 September.

We will contact all applicants. Do not send any sensitive personal data by email.